Cockroach Exterminator

Schedule Your Appointment With a Local Cockroach Exterminator Today

Get rid of cockroaches once and for all

The Best Way to Get Rid of Cockroaches

Are you living with cockroaches? If so, you’re not alone. Cockroaches are incredibly durable and can feel almost impossible to kill. Cockroaches can live for a week without a head, for example, and can survive submerged underwater for 39 minutes.

Additionally, there are more than 4,000 species of cockroaches worldwide. Don’t worry, though - life with cockroaches isn’t required. Here at One Dead Bug Pest and Termite, we specialize in getting rid of your cockroach problem, once and for all. Offering comprehensive extermination services, our team will stop your pest infestation. 

Cockroach Control and Management

If you want to get rid of cockroaches in your space, you need a plan. That’s where high-quality pest control services come in. When you One Dead Bug Pest and Termite as a cockroach exterminator, you’ll get the following pest control services:

  • Identification of problem areas. The first step in stopping your infestation is to identify its source. We’ll find out where your roaches are getting in, and pinpoint the areas that need the most treatment. From there, we’ll close gaps and stop up the access points.
  • Extermination. Next, we’ll get to work exterminating your pests. We like to use gel bait stations and boric acid powder, among other effective tactics.
  • Follow-up care. If needed, we’ll provide some guidance for follow-up care and help you make a plan to keep the roaches from coming back.

One Dead Bug Pest and Termite is Marietta, Georgia’s trusted cockroach exterminator. Contact us for all your extermination needs. (678) 752-4344

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